Emerson Network Power introduces next-generation NetSure™

New NetSure™ 5100 compact system first in a new series of DC power solutions and components that improve reliability and reduce opex.

  • Wednesday, 22nd January 2014 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Emerson Network Power has introduced the next generation of its industry-leading NetSure™ DC power platform, with systems and components designed to reduce operating expenses and improve reliability at core and access sites.

The new NetSure platform supports today’s evolving network architectures and the new and emerging technologies that will form the backbone of tomorrow’s networks. It will include DC power systems, rectifiers, converters and associated components to be introduced throughout 2014 and beyond. All systems are designed to support different types of deployments and environments and adapt to changing network needs, equipment and conditions.

“This is the beginning of a major evolution not only for Emerson Network Power and our NetSure platform, but for our customers around the world,” said Gary Niederpruem, vice president, global marketing, Emerson Network Power. “Our NetSure DC power systems have been industry standard-bearers for a decade, and the new NetSure platform builds on that success with enhanced solutions that fit core and access deployments in telecom or DC-enabled data centre spaces. These new systems deliver unmatched network and financial flexibility by adapting to new technologies and architectures that reduce operational and capital expenses over time.”

The first module in the new platform—a 2000W high-efficiency eSure™ rectifier—was released mid-2013 and is available globally for use in the next-generation NetSure DC power systems. The new rectifier is the most compact 2000W rectifier on the market, enabling smaller footprints for the systems they support.

The NetSure 5100—the first DC power system in the new platform—launches today in EMEA, and similar systems will be released shortly thereafter in the rest of the world.

Designed specifically for telecom access applications, the NetSure 5100 showcases the new platform’s higher power densities, reducing the system’s size and physical footprint and maximizing valuable physical space. It includes anywhere from three to twelve 2000W eSure rectifiers that deliver system efficiency of 96 per cent and enable significant energy savings even at low loads when operating in ECO mode. The system’s unmatched environmental tolerance, streamlined architecture, and intelligent monitoring and controls make the industry’s most reliable DC power systems even more robust.

The NetSure 5100 comes with a standard control unit or an advanced option with enhanced load management capabilities. Remote monitoring and software upgrades are available through web browsers with access via multiple gateways—enabling rapid deployment, upgrades and service.
“The edge of the network is continuing to evolve, in some cases dramatically,” Niederpruem said. “With increasing demand for high-bandwidth applications and video streaming, providers are trying to locate data closer to the customer so they can deliver it to them faster and more efficiently. This next-generation NetSure DC power platform makes those capacity increases, comprehensive network coverage, and next-generation services possible.”