Raritan solves retrofit problem

Raritan has designed a completely new retrofit power monitoring system suitable for both new and existing data centres. The technology is designed for ‘live’ installation, without any need for downtime or business interruption.

  • Monday, 3rd February 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Operators of legacy data centres often look enviously at more modern facilities with intelligent power distribution units (PDUs) and their metering and monitoring reports. Without these modern systems, data centre operators cannot easily tell how much additional equipment they can safely put in a rack – or how dangerously close they are to tripping a circuit breaker. (If a circuit breaker trips a whole rack or even row could lose power – with disastrous results for services and customers).

The problem in most legacy data centres has been that retrofitting in-line PDU’s involves downtime, which is normally unacceptable. Until now, that is.
Launching the new product, Raritan’s Richard May said, “Raritan’s new BCM (Branch Circuit Monitoring) needs no downtime for installation. It uses high accuracy split-core clamps that simply attach around existing supply cables. The data from these clamps is combined with voltage monitoring information. The non-invasive BCM installation then supplies the business with invaluable data including, power (kW), apparent power (kVA), energy (kWh) plus power factor (PF) as well as load balance on three-phase systems.”

Each Raritan BCM unit can monitor the incoming single phase or three phase feeds to a distribution panel plus up to 21 tributary or branch circuits to the rack’s A&B feed PDUs.

Multiple BCM units are connected together for larger panels and network connections are made using Wi-Fi or RJ45. Utilising industry standard SNMP protocols, the unit cleanly integrates into existing management and data collection systems.

Information is Power
Raritan BCM integrates direct to the Raritan Power IQ and dcTrack management software systems in exactly the same way as intelligent PDUs in new data centres.

This means that by the non-intrusive installation of Raritan BCM and either Power IQ or dcTrack software, legacy data centres can now easily have the full functionality enjoyed by newer facilities:
- An increase in available power by ensuring that branch circuits are suitably loaded but never overloaded.
- Avoiding pockets of ‘stranded’ (and hence un-used) power, maximising your data centre investment.
- A complete, accurate view of branch circuit loading
- Improved balance of loads
- Monitoring and ensuring that breaker-trips are avoided except in true emergencies.
- Accurately bill customers/users or user departments for energy usage.
- Accurately measure PUE
- Support energy saving and ‘green’ initiatives.