AMS-IX New York receives Open-IX certification

AMS-IX New York qualifies as one of the first neutral and distributed Internet exchanges in North America.

  • Friday, 14th February 2014 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

AMS-IX New York has received the IXP Open-IX certification for the New York/New Jersey metropolitan statistical area. With this qualification from the Open-IX Association (OIX), AMS-IX New York becomes one of the first OIX certified neutral and distributed Internet exchanges in North America.

Open-IX is an initiative started by a group of Internet network operators, content owners and distributors, and other market parties that encourages the development of the neutral and distributed Internet Exchange model in the US.

All interested datacenter parties and Internet exchanges can adopt Open-IX standards and apply for certification. Becoming certified signifies that parties are not only adopting the standards but Open-IX has jointly certified the operations and provides its members with the right to utilize its certification marks so that the public can easily identify an OIX Internet exchange or datacenter and enjoy the additional benefits.

The technical requirements for Open-IX certification have been set by the IXP Standards Committee of the Open-IX Association, lead by AMS-IX’s CTO Henk Steenman. These include requirements regarding neutrality, openness, service offering, infrastructure and operations. AMS-IX New York has met all criteria and has received the IXP OIX-1 Certification for the New York / New Jersey metropolitan area. AMS-IX New York is currently deployed in Digital Realty’s 111th 8th datacenter and will soon operate from DuPont Fabros Technology (Piscataway New Jersey), Sabey’s Intergate Manhattan datacenter (375 Pearl Street) and the new 325 Hudson Street interconnection facility.

To receive the IXP OIX-1 Certification AMS-IX New York also needed to have a customer advisory board to help provide feedback and guidance on customer related matters. Part of this board is Aaron Hughes, Founder & CEO of 6connect. "This role gives me the opportunity to support the Open-IX initiative and help AMS-IX New York to further growing its business."

“We are very pleased to be certified by the Open-IX Association,” says Job Witteman, CEO of AMS-IX. “This certification underlines our expertise and track record in building and deploying neutral Internet exchanges. By meeting the OIX Standards we expect to quickly increase our US customer base, and therefore increase the value of the exchange. That Aaron is willing to support us by being part of AMS-IX New York's customer advisory board is greatly appreciated. This certification also acts as a first step for expansion of AMS-IX USA to other US metropolitan areas.”