SSE Telecoms launches ‘definitive’ buyer’s guide to de-risking co-location projects

SSE Telecoms – the UK’s leading provider of network infrastructure and data centre services, and part of the SSE Group – has today launched the third and final eBook in its data centre ‘sins’ series. ‘The definitive buyer’s guide for de-risking co-location projects’ includes a checklist of requirements for organisations to compare the different data centre tiers with their organisation’s risk profile.

  • Monday, 17th February 2014 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Numerous risks are inherent in data centre design and as a result, business decision makers tasked with selecting an appropriate facility to house their critical information should be aware of all the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. The third eBook in SSE Telecoms’ series builds on the knowledge readers will have gained in the first two eBooks – ‘7 deadly data centre sins: how to recognise them’ and ‘7 deadly data centre sins: how to mitigate them’ – offering impartial advice to IT professionals looking to understand how best to compare and contrast commercial data centre facilities, and to determine which approach and tier level is most appropriate to their business’s needs.