Hospitals to benefit from new data management solution

New HealthStore™ for FlexPod® solution provides hospitals with an end-to-end data and storage management solution for all of their clinical and administrative data.

  • Tuesday, 25th February 2014 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

BridgeHead Software has launched HealthStore™ for FlexPod®. A data management solution, HealthStore is designed to provide hospitals with a comprehensive, end-to-end solution to manage all of the clinical and administrative data across the hospital enterprise – from critical applications such as Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems through to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). HealthStore enables organisations to efficiently store and protect their critical healthcare data – facilitating sharing with other applications, so that valuable information is available by those that need it, when they need it, thus ensuring better patient care and optimised hospital operations.

HealthStore integrates BridgeHead’s Healthcare Data Management (HDM) Solution with FlexPod®Select – a fully validated and tested solution combining NetApp E-Series storage solution, Cisco Unified Computing System servers, and Cisco Nexus fabric switches into a single, flexible architecture. By adding BridgeHead’s software to the FlexPod Select stack, the solution ultimately becomes ‘healthcare enabled’, offering the management of all healthcare data across the entire hospital, including DICOM image files (e.g. from radiology PACS), studies from other clinical departments (such as ophthalmology and cardiology), as well as administrative data from the operational functions of the hospital (such as scanned documents, PDFs and even email). This solution will help organisations to eliminate data silos from disparate departments and streamline the IT management and support required to make the data available to clinical and administrative staff at the point of need.

HealthStore broadens the FlexPod Select solution to include a fully featured, policy-based archive, specifically designed for healthcare. This means that hospitals can extend their storage environments to benefit from a tiered architecture, taking advantage of alternative, e.g. more cost effective storage devices and media like dedicated or unified storage solutions, other disk types, or cloud storage, depending on customer requirements) – particularly for data that is older or unlikely to change. In doing so, healthcare organisations protect their investment in primary storage, ensuring it is dedicated to serving the applications that need it most and delay expensive storage refreshes.

The archive, provided by BridgeHead’s HDM Solution, allows hospitals to place data into a central repository, which is fully indexed for easy search. The repository is governed by user-defined policies that help organisations adhere to their information risk and compliance obligations. It also allows multiple copies of data to be made as it is written – this ensures it is fully protected in the event of corruption, accidental deletion, system outage or disaster, and is available for recall from multiple locations, enabling adherence to aggressive SLAs (as the time taken to recover data is significantly improved). In addition, other features include optional encryption and authentication for additional security.