PT Data Center scoops design awards from Uptime Institute 2014

Portugal Telecom’s (PT) Data Center, which has been collecting prestigious national and international awards since it was opened in September 2013, has once again received an award, this time from the 2014 Brill Awards for Efficient IT in the Data Center Design category. This is an award given by the Uptime Institute which recently certified the PT Data Center for its resilience.

  • Tuesday, 11th March 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

In the 2014 Brill Awards for Efficient IT, the PT Data Center competed against more than 100 candidates from 19 countries across the various categories covered. The PT Data Center excels in terms of its excellent energy efficiency combined with the rigorous resilience of the infrastructure. These efficiency levels were achieved by the Freecooling system innovation and the modular construction of the Data Center which enabled the optimum use of energy in the installation. The onsite photovoltaic park and the Palmvein biometric access control system have also received awards.

This award is added to the others which the PT Data Center has been awarded since its opening: ‘Best Engineering Project’ and ‘Sustainability Award’ awarded by ‘Prémios Construir’ and ‘Environmental Responsibility Award’ from ‘Exame Informática’. Additionally, the PT Data Center is internationally certified as Tier III by the Uptime Institute.

Considered state-of-the-art, the PT Data Center in Covilhã puts Portugal on the world map for innovative, efficient storage and management of IT and Cloud Computing infrastructures. The Data Center houses more that 50,000 servers connected to PT’s high speed fiber optic network. Designed in 4 main blocks and a support block with a total area of 75,500m?, the PT Data Center has 24 IT rooms with an ample space of 12,000m? and a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) ratio of 1.25.