Delphix Modernisation Engine to help organisations save billions

Delphix has released the Delphix Modernisation Engine, a new product designed to reduce the risk and cost associated with data center modernisation projects, including data center migrations and consolidations, migrations to the cloud, conversions from Unix to Linux, and application retirement. Today, many private and public-sector organisations estimate that modernisation projects will take years and cost tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, while impacting existing operations. As a result, modernisation projects often fail, either ending over budget, behind schedule, or reduced in scope, limiting the effectiveness of the investment. Delphix reduces those risks and accelerates project completion by 50% or more.

  • Monday, 17th March 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Built on version 4.0 of the award-winning Agile Data Platform, the Delphix Modernisation Engine creates, manages, and archives virtual copies of applications, databases, and files, which accelerates project efforts and ensures preservation of data for legal and regulatory compliance.

"The government source Data.Gov has named 1111 data centres that will have been closed by the end of 2014, but according to an article in FCW that's not even half of the new target for 2015 of 2,400 data centre closures," said Carl Olofson, Research Vice President of Application Development and Deployment at IDC. “Organisations across the private sector are experiencing the same pressure. Once those data centres begin closing, CIOs will face the immense challenge of transitioning data and entire applications into new centres. This second half of the modernisation process is a resource-intensive slog that can quickly drain an organisation’s IT budget, effectively halting innovation efforts.”

The Delphix Modernisation Engine builds on Delphix’s patented data virtualisation technology, which syncs with existing applications and databases, manages versions as they change, and delivers virtual data environments to remote servers in 90% less time and expense. The Modernisation Engine adds several new features to the Delphix platform:
? Application Data Virtualisation: The Modernisation engine extends Delphix’s ability to virtualise enterprise databases and data warehouses to applications and file systems. Applications store data in a range of locations, including application servers, middleware servers, and databases. Binaries, configuration files, and automation scripts are also required to migrate an application successfully. Delphix automatically virtualises the data across an entire application stack, versions all changes during and after migration, and can provision virtual data environments in minutes to remote servers, either on premise or in private or public clouds—even across bandwidth constrained wide-area networks (WANs). As a result, customers can consolidate or migrate existing systems to modern platforms faster and at dramatically lower cost than previously possible.
? Live Archive: A major challenge in modernising applications is the risk of failing a legal or compliance audit after an application has been moved, changed, or retired. Data migration efforts can result in changed, missing, or partial data that can lead to large regulatory fines. As a result, many companies never decommission legacy systems and fail to realise the cost benefits of modernisation. The Delphix Modernisation Engine preserves Live Archives of applications, databases, data warehouses, associated files, and configuration settings, which can be accessed in minutes to satisfy later audit or compliance demands while taking 10x less space and systems resources to maintain. As part of a governance process, businesses can Live Archive application states just prior to migration efforts or after business events, such as quarter close or notice of litigation hold. As a result, Delphix customers gain the benefits of modernisation while dramatically reducing legal and regulatory risks.
? Unix-to-Linux Conversion: Many organisations have older versions of applications and databases running on legacy Unix-based servers. Migrating applications and databases to modern, x86-based Linux servers can be time consuming and difficult but required if the databases will be moved to public or private clouds built on x86 platforms. Delphix cuts the conversion process by 80%, through its automatic and efficient data transformation technology. As a result, customers can migrate to x86-based clouds in a fraction of the time and cost.

"Our goal at Align is to drive faster innovation cycles for the business," said Sreelakshmi Kolli, VP of IT at Align Technology. "Our upgrade to SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2012 required a data migration that would have taken weeks of manpower to stage and move the data. With virtual data environments we were able to complete the data migration and staging phase in hours."

“Businesses accumulate applications on a variety of aging systems over years of operation, which can result in management complexity and a large boat anchor of run-rate expenses,” said Jedidiah Yueh, Delphix Founder and CEO. “With Agile Data and our Modernisation Engine, IT organisations have an opportunity to dramatically reduce run-rate expenses and convert the savings into innovation, which can make businesses leaner and more competitive. Delphix lifts the data anchor.”

Certified on VMware vSphere, the Delphix Migration Engine operates on vCloud-based public cloud services, SunGard and IBM SoftLayer, as well as private cloud platforms.