licenseIT simplifies software licensing model for vendors

Channel experts Channel Mechanics releases its latest module licenseIT which enables vendors and application providers to efficiently distribute software through the channel. licenseIT gives vendors and application providers the capability to provision a mix of hardware and software bundles to the channel community.

  • Tuesday, 1st April 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

The module eliminates the laborious tasks associated with license issuance and distribution from the vendor and distributor, freeing the reseller to order bundles and receive the associated license keys for the software element in line with the hardware fulfilment process.

"The order fulfilment of software licenses both individually and as part of solution bundles has proved to be expensive and time consuming for many vendors and application providers in the past" said Kenneth Fox, CTO at Channel Mechanics. "Using licenseIT a vendor or application provider is now able to easily manage the fulfilment and tracking of software licenses and remove the inefficiencies that previously existed."

The key features of the licenseIT module are that it:
· Enables software to be provided through sales channels
· Enables application providers to work with Channel Mechanics as a single channel agent rather than working with multiple distributors and resellers
· Enables distributors to work with Channel Mechanics as a single channel agent for software allocation rather than working with multiple application providers
· When used with solutionIT, the module enables hardware and software from different vendors to be bundled together in a single offer
· Has the option to automatically allocate license keys