Spectra Logic named EMC Technology Connect Select Partner of the Year

Spectra Logic has received the “Technology Connect Select Partner of the Year” award from EMC. The business partner program award recognises Spectra Logic’s contributions as a partner and ability to complement EMC data protection solutions. The prestigious honour by EMC was presented this week at EMC World 2014. Spectra Logic joined EMC’s Technology Connect Select Program in February 2012. Spectra Logic manufacturers low-cost, massively scalable "deep storage" that allow customers to store data virtually forever – efficiently and securely. EMC resells Spectra’s entire T-Series tape library line, which offers highly reliable, high-density long-term storage and seamlessly scales to exabyte capacity levels.

  • Monday, 12th May 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

“We are pleased to recognize Spectra Logic as an outstanding Technology Connect Select partner,” said Don Lamburn, director of EMC Select Program, EMC Corporation. “Spectra Logic consistently exemplifies its commitment to our customers and our partner program, including providing same day shipping when needed, delivering efficient, cost-effective solutions, and enthusiastically supporting EMC training events. Spectra Logic’s actions, along with those of our other Technology Connect partners, allow us to best serve our customers’ needs.”

“Our alliance with EMC has expanded Spectra’s presence in dozens of countries across the globe, with a notable trend in the high performance computing (HPC), hospitality, finance, manufacturing and media & entertainment markets,” said Brian Grainger, executive vice president of worldwide sales and sales operations, Spectra Logic. “We are honoured to receive EMC’s Technology Connect Select Partner of the Year award and greatly value our relationship with EMC.”

Since Spectra Logic joined the program in February 2012, EMC has sold Spectra Logic tape solutions to more than 150 customers in 20 countries across the globe, with heavy concentrations in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Thirty percent of EMC/Spectra Logic sales were into enterprise accounts with very large data sets.