Red Hat shines a spotlight on advancing IT business

Series of 14 events across three continents will bring together IT solutions experts, partners and customers to discuss how the latest Red Hat open source solutions can advance business IT.

  • Tuesday, 13th May 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Red Hat, Inc. has announced the dates and details of the Red Hat Forum – a series of 14 events, in cities throughout Europe and the Middle East, scheduled to take place between 3 and 25 June, 2014.

The Red Hat Forum opens in Dubai and will focus on how enterprise grade Red Hat open source solutions can simplify IT, enabling businesses to focus on innovation while making organisations more flexible and agile. Specifically, the forum will feature a business and technical focus on the benefits of private and open hybrid cloud environments.

Senior Red Hat executives will present keynote sessions exploring how enterprises can lose critical opportunities if the business stands still. They will also focus on the strategies organisations can use to advance their IT, and how IT departments that move forward and constantly evolve can quickly contribute to business success.
The Red Hat Forum will feature Red Hat use cases and scenarios addressing critical pain points, real-world strategies and solutions, technology and business sessions. The event will provide an ideal opportunity for direct networking with Red Hat and its partners, including platinum sponsor HP. Attendees will learn how to advance their IT business by staying on top of new trends and being aware of issues that can impact revenue and productivity.

To better suit the needs and interests of attendees, the Red Hat Forum will run two parallel streams; business and technical. Business-focused sessions will expand on competitive advantages gained through proven IT innovation, the benefits of community-powered innovation, and the efficiencies that can be realized by moving into the cloud. The technical stream will offer a comprehensive technical overview, including an update on the much-anticipated Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

In addition, attendees will be able to engage with Red Hat’s EMEA team and top executives to discuss Red Hat’s vision of the future. Engineering and product experts will be on-hand to address specific technological queries that will give a greater insight into the Red Hat ecosystem.