Real time energy monitoring

Synapsys Solutions is helping building managers see in real time exactly how their estate is performing, with the SIPe energy monitoring solution.

  • Monday, 30th June 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Understanding when, where and how a building uses energy is the first step in any energy reduction plan, and Synapsys has developed SIPe to meet this need for clear, detailed energy performance data.

The hardware-based SIPe system is proving very popular, since with no ongoing software licences, unlimited users and no maintenance fees, it’s a cost-effective, flexible choice for estates and facilities managers working across a wide range of sectors.

The SIPe user interface is a graphical energy ‘dashboard’ display to allow the user to view live energy performance data gathered from a meter network covering a variety of plant and equipment located around an estate.

The dashboard is intuitive and simple to customise, allowing the system to be easily set up and run by non-engineers. SIPe also allows tailored information displays on energy use to be created for public areas, helping foster energy awareness among the building’s users, and so promoting behavioural change.

The system can be so successful at identifying and helping reduce energy use that it is recognised under the government’s Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme (ECA), which gives businesses enhanced tax relief for investing in equipment that meets specific energy-saving criteria.

The SIPe device converts the information it obtains from around the estate into a common universal protocol to communicate with other building control systems, including Trend. Energy data gathered by the SIPe can be easily integrated and shared with a building management system (BMS), building performance and monitoring platforms, and analytical and billing software.

The SIPe range includes options for logging meter networks; for interfacing with Trend and BACnet systems; and for integrating any other data points (such as pulse meters) on a BMS into an automatic metering and targeting system (aM&T). The SIPe Vision firmware that supports the range brings enhanced connectivity and functionality, plus extra options for public displays.