HP helps organizations realize Open Source Cloud benefits with HP Helion OpenStack® Professional Services

HP’s unmatched OpenStack technology experience enables customers to deploy OpenStack-based clouds.

  • Tuesday, 9th September 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

HP has announced the formation of a new professional services practice whose charter is to help enterprises implement OpenStack technology–based clouds, meeting customers’ need for OpenStack expertise.

HP Helion OpenStack Professional Services are delivered by an experienced team of HP architects and cloud technologists, and backed by hundreds of engineers who run one of the world’s largest OpenStack public clouds—HP Helion Public Cloud—and who have committed thousands of lines of code to the OpenStack community. HP has extensive expertise in design, storage, network, security, database, scalability, high-availability and other OpenStack-based services.

“Organizations implementing OpenStack cloud solutions often rely on our broad ecosystem to augment their staff and move faster,” said Jonathan Bryce, executive director of the OpenStack Foundation. “Companies like HP, who are strong contributors to the project, can help these organizations be confident in their OpenStack deployments by providing access to additional expertise.”

HP Helion OpenStack Professional Services—part of the HP Helion Professional Services portfolio—include:
· OpenStack technology assessment: Consultants work with customers to understand their desired business outcomes and identify a strategy to achieve them—defining the appropriate cloud workload deployment model (private, managed, public or hybrid) and recommending proof-of-concept, pre-production or production environments.
· OpenStack technology design and implementation: Services use best practices to architect cloud infrastructures, facilitate workload migrations and proof-of-concept projects, or integrate OpenStack technology deployments into a pre-production environment for testing.
· OpenStack technology accelerator: Rapid deployment of OpenStack technology for trial, development environment or a standard deployment with a fixed service.
· OpenStack technology optimization: Ongoing life cycle management of cloud deployments, including remote capacity and performance monitoring services, continuous integration and patching, and 24/7 support. Also includes training and certification of IT staff and partners to integrate and administer OpenStack solutions.

“OpenStack technology is gaining traction in the enterprise, but the lack of in-house OpenStack expertise can be a barrier to realizing the technology’s full potential,” said Tom Norton, vice president, HP Helion Professional Services, HP. “We have amassed a team with unsurpassed experience in OpenStack technology to help customers rapidly define, implement and manage OpenStack-based solutions successfully.”

OpenStack is the fastest-growing cloud-computing open-source project and is gaining increasing recognition for its interoperability and enterprise-grade functionality. HP made a strategic bet on the OpenStack project early on as a founding platinum member of the OpenStack Foundation, and has four years of experience running OpenStack cloud services at scale in enterprise environments. Today HP is the leading code contributor to the next release of OpenStack, “Juno,” set for October 2014, and has project team leads on several OpenStack technology projects, including the Horizon dashboard, TripleO deployment tools, Trove Database as a Service and Neutron Networking as a Service.