(ISC)2 Global Research Programme to track cybersecurity skills gap

Global Information Security Workforce Study has measured industry trends since 2004.

  • Friday, 24th October 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

(ISC)2 is calling on practicing global cybersecurity professionals to share their insights in the 6th edition of its Global Information Security Workforce Study (GISWS). A respected industry benchmark referenced by governments, employers, professionals, and industry stakeholders for more than 10 years, the ongoing research provides much needed insight into current opportunities and trends experienced at first-hand within cybersecurity. Managed by the (ISC)2 Foundation, the non-profit charitable trust for (ISC)² that aims to empower students, teachers, and the general public to secure their online lives with community cyber security education and awareness, with the support of its sponsors, the research is conducted by analyst firm Frost & Sullivan and offered to the industry and the public as a free resource.
“It’s extremely important in our increasingly digitally-driven world to have a current understanding of the evolving risks and responsibilities. This is the only research available that truly offers a detailed picture of how the global cybersecurity profession is changing and the driving other business factors,” says Julie Peeler, director, (ISC)2 Foundation.

The scope of the study covers pay scales, skills and training requirements, hiring practices, budgets, career progression, corporate attitudes, current technology development within businesses, top security concerns, and more. Issues highlighted within this research include:
· Application vulnerabilities have ranked as the highest security concern since 2011, while low levels of interaction between the security and software development communities persist.
· The effects of a sharp skills shortage despite double digit growth in the profession over the last five years, with few young people and women entering the field.
· Security incident preparedness exhibiting signs of strain with a growing number of professionals suggesting preparedness is worsening despite increased levels of security spending.
· Requirements to obtain new skills and an expanded knowledge base due to adoption of new technologies has had a significant impact on information security professionals.
· Changing demands on professionals’ time, evolving reporting lines, and growing levels of security functions independent of IT.