Webinfinity drives change within the enterprise by cutting through the data challenge

Webinfinity has launched a 'ground-breaking' new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for businesses, which provides employees, partners and customers with a customised content experience through a single user interface, across all enterprise applications.

  • Tuesday, 23rd December 2014 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop

The platform helps enterprises drive up the productivity by delivering the right content, to the right person, at the right time, on any device, thereby enabling each individual to get straight to the information, systems and tools that they need. This includes disparate elements such as CRM data mixed with sales assets, videos, reports etc allowing a user to get everything they need in one place. And it does all this without requiring any changes to back-end systems.

The solution’s feed keeps users focused only on the content that is relevant to them by providing them with a continuous flow of information, alerts and suggestions based on their interests, role and contextual factors such as time and location.

The new tool then gives users the authority to manage and customise the content to their own personal requirements. This, in turn, enables businesses to create a culture of devolved content responsibility, making publishers and editors out of everyone in the business.

“The rapid growth of personal technologies and new internet-based services has created the perfect storm. We are looking to deal with content distribution, big data, and the shift to the cloud. This has magnified the already challenging task of finding the right information from all of our varied enterprise applications in a manner and time that allows us to act on it intelligently,” said George Kafkarkou, President of Webinfinity.

“I have been in the software industry for more than 33 years and have personally lived the pain of managing a large library of content, spread across hundreds of systems and trying to deliver only what is relevant to a wide and diverse audience. Webinfinity provides a solution to this problem for all businesses and for the users within their ecosystem. By providing all of them with a personalised content experience, businesses using Webinfinity give themselves the opportunity to convert more prospects, have happier customers, better engaged partners and more effective employees,” added Kafkarkou.

The Webinfinity vision is in stark contrast to that of the big legacy systems that try to be ‘all things to all people’. The vision is based on the premise that it is not realistic to base your entire business on any one platform in this era of cloud scale and agility. A report recently released by cloud security vendor, Skyhigh Networks offers some staggering insights. In terms of services used per organisation, the numbers are incredible to read – 759 cloud services are in use by an organisation on average, as opposed to 626 last quarter (21% growth).

Webinfinity solves this challenge by uniquely addressing all the key components - integration into all data sources, understanding `the relationship between all content, supporting corporate content governance, understanding each user as a unique individual, understanding user context and finally a consumer grade user experience (UX). Most legacy systems do not address one or more of these components at all, or only focus on one source of data, their own.

“We are working with companies of all sizes, many from Fortune 500, and the response has been consistent and very exciting,” said Kafkarkou. “It is most rare in my experience that there is such a uniform reaction of amazement by prospects and partners.”

Webinfinity is ideally suited for any enterprise that has the challenge of delivering personalised content to any and all users from an abundance of content sources (e.g., Salesforce.com, Marketo, Eloqua, SharePoint, SugarCRM, home grown partner databases, applications, etc).