Enterprises to spend more on transformational technologies in 2015

Data from a global survey conducted by Current Analysis reveals that IT decision makers plan to increase the budgets for transformational technologies and services such as mobility, cloud, collaboration and networking this year.

  • Wednesday, 4th February 2015 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

A Current Analysis survey, which polled more than 600 IT decision makers worldwide, finds that enterprise technology budgets remain stable, with many businesses planning to spend more in 2015. The survey also shows that, although there is still plenty of appetite for best-of-breed transformational technologies and services, the majority of buyers now choose the safer route of bundling contracted products and services under a single provider.

“Unexpectedly, many businesses plan to spend more on transformational technologies this year,” says Kathryn Weldon, research director at Current Analysis. “Across mobility, cloud, collaboration and networking, two-thirds of respondents expect higher technology spending; almost everyone else expects to keep budgets unchanged.” However, the days that technology companies could sell direct to IT departments have waned. “Individual lines of business and the executive corner office are now frequently involved in major purchase decisions,” Weldon adds.

Other major findings include:
In data center services, fully private clouds (adopted by 58% of respondents) remain by far the most popular choice. Hybrid private or public clouds are used by 28% of respondents, while 15% just use public cloud services. For companies that haven't yet moved to the cloud, 74% expect to need external help for the migration.
In mobility services, 62% of technology adopters currently buy third-party consulting and assessment services. Other popular options center around management and security: Mobile Device Management, Mobile Application Management, Mobile Security and Telecom Expense Management.
In unified communications and collaboration purchases, there's an 80% to 20% split, deeply favouring hosted solutions over premises gear. But the majority of respondents that prefer hosting insist on dedicated infrastructure, not multi-tenant cloud, for their services.
Across mobility, unified communications, networking and cloud services, large IT service providers such as IBM and HP retain an edge in the business relationship. By working from the core of internal enterprise projects outward, these providers carry lead decision-making clout with many customers.