Bigstep and Datameer partner to provide Hadoop-as-a-Service for departments in enterprises

From zero to big data analytics in 20 minutes, without the need for data scientists and hefty investment by IT departments.

  • Thursday, 12th February 2015 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop

For the first time, business departments will have direct access to a big data insights platform, purpose built for Hadoop and available as a service (HaaS) in the bare metal cloud. Bigstep, the company behind the Full Metal Cloud - the world’s highest performance cloud dedicated to big data analytics - and Datameer, the only proven big data insights platform for rapid data discovery, today announced that Datameer Professional will be available for enterprises in the Bigstep Full Metal Cloud.

The Datameer and Bigstep partnership heralds an end to the era where business managers need to wait for enterprise-wide roll out of big data platforms in order to turn their data into insights. With a few clicks and in as little as 20 minutes, line of business executives will benefit from easy access to big data analytics, in a high-performance, secure, and scalable environment. Each installation will be delivered in a dedicated bare metal environment, similar to on-premise deployments and will benefit from complete cloud elasticity. This cuts out the need for complicated systems integration, and saves IT department investments in CAPEX, valuable time and additional talent required to deploy and operate big data applications. There is no need for coding, and the point-and-click functions and spreadsheet interface makes big data as easy to use as Excel.

Enterprises are increasingly adopting Hadoop to transform their business into agile insights-driven organizations that leverage analytical insights from unexplored data sets rather than empirical data. However, many don’t have the operational resources required for a traditional enterprise-wide deployment. Datameer Professional in the Bigstep Full Metal Cloud is the most affordable and agile option for business executives within an organisation. There’s no requirement for business managers to wait for IT to deploy an enterprise-wide solution. Businesses can get going with serious data analytics at the flick of a switch with all the benefits of the elasticity of Bigstep’s Full Metal Cloud.

“Datameer Professional is the accelerant the market has needed for individual departments within an organisation to stop talking about the benefits of big data and Hadoop and start realising them immediately,” said Stefan Groschupf, CEO of Datameer. “Now companies that want to gain a competitive advantage with big data analytics right away can simply purchase Datameer Professional running on a HaaS offering in the Bigstep Full Metal Cloud and discover actionable insights in hours, even minutes, instead of months. We believe that this will catapult Hadoop adoption to a new level as businesses discover shared success between departments and discover new use cases, encouraging the entire company to become data-driven.”

“Hadoop has captured the imagination of many, yet adoption is still limited. This is due to the perceived difficulties in time and expense required to deploy Hadoop in a traditional way. By bringing Datameer to our Full Metal Cloud, a business can be running big data analytics on the world’s fastest cloud in a matter of minutes. Hadoop adoption has never been so easy. Bigstep’s Full Metal Cloud is the only purpose built cloud provider for big data, providing access to powerful data analytics in a high performance, secure, and scalable environment, with all the benefits of the elasticity of the cloud. Now, together with Datameer, we are bringing the value of big data to executives who have not yet been able to implement a full enterprise deployment, but who realise the positive impact big data insights can have.” said Flaviu Radulescu, CEO of Bigstep.