CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center bundled into a single solution

CloudBees has announced at the Jenkins User Conference/Europe the availability of its new CloudBees Jenkins Platform, offering customers large and small the ability to adopt continuous delivery on their path to a DevOps culture.

  • Wednesday, 24th June 2015 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop

The new platform bundles together two of CloudBees’ flagship solutions – CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center – onto a single platform. CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise offers enterprise-class features that secure and optimize Jenkins, eliminate downtime and help manage Jenkins more effectively. CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center is the operations center for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) across an organization. Now with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform, all of these features and benefits are available in a single offering. Enterprises can easily run and manage Jenkins operations at scale while enabling their development and IT personnel to use Jenkins.

The CloudBees Jenkins Platform will be sold in two editions to allow Jenkins usage to scale from small teams to large enterprises:
? The Team Edition is designed to bring both CI and CD with Jenkins to the masses by lowering barriers to adoption for smaller organizations and focusing on developer productivity, thereby enabling development teams to accelerate application delivery.
? The Enterprise Edition supports running Jenkins at enterprise scale, enabling large distributed teams to operate with high efficiency.
The CloudBees Jenkins Platform is a key component of the Company’s strategy to create a unified platform for Jenkins users across a wide array of CI and CD technologies, use cases and industry platforms, including Amazon Web Services.

“Customers have expressed a need for a solution that will help their organization adopt continuous delivery and, ultimately, DevOps practices at their own pace,” said Harpreet Singh, vice president of products at CloudBees. “With the new CloudBees Jenkins Platform, we have packaged our offering to help customers improve the software delivery process by simplifying the adoption of new methodologies and technologies such as Docker, and running on popular cloud services such as Amazon Web Services.”

The CloudBees Jenkins Platform includes a number of key features that can be used by enterprises to support mission-critical Jenkins deployments and by small teams to improve productivity. Some of these key features include Docker integration in the form of six new Docker plugins, the availability of Git Validated Merge and GitHub integration features and seamless cross-team integration with the ability to trigger jobs between masters within a Jenkins cluster. Additionally, organizations can now get leading edge support for build resources via cloud elasticity, initially for Amazon Web Services.

CloudBees is making the announcement at the Jenkins User Conference Europe, the second in a series of four Jenkins User Conferences (JUC) held in the U.S. and Europe in 2015. CloudBees and the Jenkins community organize JUC conferences. In addition to CloudBees, other organizations supporting the community via JUC sponsorship include: Perfecto Mobile, Pivotal, XebiaLabs, BlazeMeter, IBM, JFrog, Perforce, SOASTA, Sonatype, VMware, Black Duck Software, GerritForge, InfoStretch, Keynote, Serena, Microsoft, Mobile Labs, AVNET, DLT Solutions, ElasticBox, Eliassen Group, Forest Technologies,, DZone and JAX London.