DevOps enhancements

CA Technologies has introduced enhancements to its DevOps portfolio that are designed to make the job of IT operations teams easier. The enhanced monitoring solutions for Agile Operations provide the speed and scale organisations need to rapidly deploy new applications, monitor dynamic environments, and continually optimise application quality to ensure superb customer experiences.

  • Wednesday, 15th July 2015 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop

With the new capabilities in CA Application Performance Management (CA APM) and CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM) organisations can quickly troubleshoot and triage all applications, in any infrastructure and Big Data environment. Quality of service metrics from CA UIM can also be correlated and combined with CA APM performance metrics in a single screen so that DevOps teams have an end-to-end view across applications and infrastructure.

“In today’s application economy, every business is a software business and that has real and immediate implications for the operations teams who help ensure the availability of applications,” said Mike Madden, general manager, DevOps, CA Technologies. “To stay ahead of the competition, cross-team collaboration is essential for faster deployments and constant innovation.”

CA Application Performance Management
Designed to integrate with any application infrastructure, CA APM 10 features a redesigned user interface, new analytics and patent-pending role-based technology. The solution’s team centre views enable users to filter complex topology maps into easily understood role and task-based views using attributes such as location, application type, business service or owner name. DevOps teams can also more easily determine if an update impacts service quality through the visual charts that show changes to application topology, status or other attributes alongside historical performance metrics.

“Today’s multi-channel applications rely on agile infrastructure, creating unique demands for operations teams who must ensure unfaltering service reliability while handling an increasing rate of new deployments,” said Thomas Lee, vice president, Global Support Systems, Elavon. “CA APM helps us ensure that we provide the best possible customer experiences. In addition, the new role and task-relevant views in CA APM 10 further enables the collaboration needed among our DevOps teams to help fuel ongoing innovation.”

CA Unified Infrastructure Management
To remove the complexity and specialisation needed to manage Big Data infrastructure, CA UIM 8.3 now provides support for Hadoop®, Cassandra NoSQL and MongoDB environments – all from a single, unified console.

CA UIM’s integration with CA Network Flow Analysis and new analytic capabilities further help customers reduce mean time to repair by providing insights into application consumption and identifying high priority infrastructure performance issues before user experience is impacted.

Customer can also leverage third party tools and download specialised probes for monitoring unique applications, devices or technologies for CA UIM at Marketplace @ CA.