Brand-Rex - going green

Brand-Rex is now a participant in the Green IT Amsterdam consortium.

  • Wednesday, 23rd November 2016 Posted 7 years ago in by Phil Alsop
Green IT Amsterdam is the unique cross-industry collaboration of 44 organisations for innovation and sustainability with the IT industry in the Amsterdam region. The organisation was founded in 2010 and initiated 12 large innovation projects and more than 65 events since then. In 2016 the consortium was recognised for its efforts, and nominated for a European Datacenter Community Impact award by Datacloud.

With its continuous drive for innovation and quality, in house R&D teams, and commitment to environmental goals, Brand-Rex became the world’s first network infrastructure provider to achieve the carbon neutral status in 2011.

Jaak Vlasveld, director Green IT Amsterdam, comments: “We have been aware of the environmental efforts of Brand-Rex for some time now, they have made a great journey to become carbon neutral from which others can learn. With Brand-Rex’ focus on innovation we are certain we will continue this journey together and Green IT Amsterdam is very pleased to welcome Brand-Rex as an active participant.”

Jeroen Loonstra, Regional Director Brand-Rex, adds: “At Brand-Rex we are very excited about joining forces with Green IT Amsterdam and believe that the sustainability vision and efforts of both organisations will lead to a greener and more sustainable IT infrastructure environment for us all”.