ThreatConnect provides enhanced intelligence

With ThreatConnect’s two newest analytic features, users gain immediate insight into threats to their network.

  • Wednesday, 1st February 2017 Posted 8 years ago in by Phil Alsop
ThreatConnect has introduced two new features designed to help organisations make faster decisions based on threat intelligence: ThreatAssess, analytics across their own data, and ThreatConnect’s CAL (Collective Analytics Layer), generated from insights across its complete network. With these features, threat intelligence is more easily quantifiable for rapid decision-making.
ThreatConnect CEO Adam Vincent said, “ThreatConnect’s CAL is the result of analysing anonymised global data across the ThreatConnect community of users. That’s a vast anonymised community. Any user organisation can compare its metrics and telemetry with others for a fuller picture of the potential risk. And with ThreatAssess, organisations now get an at-a-glance score of an indicator's evilness based on just their own data, helping to answer the question: ‘"Is this an indicator I should be looking at more closely?’ 
Both ThreatAssess and CAL were developed to leverage ThreatConnect’s powerful platform analytics. They were created to provide analysts with confidence to gather enough data to make a decision, yet not spend too much time chasing false positives or irrelevant information. ThreatAssess provides a basic risk assessment of an indicator. ThreatAssess distills multiple factors down to a single, actionable score based on an indicator’s average threat and confidence rating across all sources, false positive votes, and recent activity from your sensors.  ThreatAssess also reports on why an indicator earned its particular score, providing valuable context. With ThreatAssess, an organisation can prioritise its responses by assigning risk levels to observed indicators.
ThreatConnect’s CAL provides anonymised, crowdsourced intelligence: leveraging the collective insight of the more than 10,000 analysts worldwide who use ThreatConnect to provide global context regarding an organisation’s indicators and threats. By distilling millions of data points, this innovative feature offers immediate insight into how widespread and relevant the threat is in a way that has never before been available.
With CAL, ThreatConnect shows you whether indicators are:
?        Accurate: How many false positive reports an indicator has received from all ThreatConnect instances
?        Pervasive: How many times an indicator has been observed in ThreatConnect users’ networks
?        Timely: How recently an indicator was reported by a source
?        Notable:  How many page views an indicator has in the ThreatConnect Platform
?        Dated: The first time an indicator was reported by a source
?        Common: List of sources an indicator appears in
?        Validated: Validation that an indicator is not malicious based on aggregated public whitelists
Vincent continued, “Unlike some of our competitors who offer similar scores, we actually provide our users with details on what went into the score, which helps them make more informed decisions.”