Security, collaboration and development trends driving enterprise app adoption

Cloud video conferencing solution Zoom is the fastest growing app in EMEA within Okta’s network.

  • Friday, 27th October 2017 Posted 6 years ago in by Phil Alsop
Okta has published the results of its first EMEA focused Businesses @ Work report, which uses anonymised data from Okta’s customer base to shed light on the way apps are used within the enterprise.
Zoom, a provider of enterprise video communications technology, is the fastest growing application within EMEA over the past six months, with 87.5 percent growth. In joint second place, Lucidchart, the collaborative diagramming solution, and New Relic, the performance and monitoring software provider, both grew by almost 60 percent.
The top three applications in terms of customer adoption in EMEA were Microsoft Office 365, Amazon Web Services and G Suite.
Additional key findings include:
Modern workplaces demand modern collaboration tools:  Cloud applications that enable communication and collaboration saw a large increase in EMEA. In addition to Zoom and Lucidchart’s success, messaging and social media tools grew in popularity.
Okta revealed that Slack is the 7th most popular overall app in Okta’s EMEA network, with more than three times the integrations of any other messaging or collaboration app. New incumbent Workplace by Facebook, also gained traction across the region, with an impressive growth of 33% across Okta’s customers in EMEA.
Instagram saw a 31.6% growth within EMEA enterprises, showing that IT leaders are also managing consumer apps.
Jesper Frederiksen, General Manager, Okta EMEA said, “Employees accustomed to video conferencing and instant messaging in their personal lives are keen to bring these user-friendly technologies to the workplace. Adopting cloud communication solutions can drastically improve businesses’ ability to collaborate in a more natural and efficient way than email. The rise of applications such as Slack, Workplace by Facebook and Zoom shows that consumer functionality can be just as effective in business.”  
Cloud Wars — G Suite vs 365: G Suite is the fastest growing app in the UK and 5th fastest growing across the whole of EMEA, increasing users by  46 per cent in EMEA in the past six months compared with a  27 per cent for Office 365. While Okta customer data shows that G Suite is rapidly growing, Office 365 still holds the largest share of users in the cloud productivity tool space.
Both applications frequently appeared alongside each other. Office 365 is the most common application used by G Suite customers, with 55% usage amongst its user base, while  15% of all EMEA customers use both services in tandem.  While G Suite customers use an average of 15 additional applications via Okta, Office 365 customers only use 11 (36% fewer apps). This suggests that G Suite users employee a best-of-breed app strategy, while Office 365 customers  rely more heavily on the entire Microsoft stack.
DevOps and agile impacting adoption of developer tools: Okta’s data shows that organisations in EMEA are transforming their businesses by using developer tools and building their own apps in-house. Developer tools are the fastest growing app category in EMEA, with 44.1% growth in the past six months.
Additionally, 47% of Okta’s EMEA customers use at least one developer tool, more than in North America or APAC.
In addition to  New Relic’s growth of 57.9%, GitHub grew 39.4% and bug tracking tool JIRA saw an increase of 20.7%.
Adrian Brown, Head of Fusion QA at ICAP commented, “As developers are placed under increasing demand to get code out quicker and faster, tools that help teams to monitor software and communicate between teams will be essential. At ICAP, we have 150 developers working on our internal applications, and use the likes of GitHub and even Slack to ensure our development and operations teams are working effectively.”
Mimecast comes out on top as customers prepare for GDPR: With GDPR deadlines looming, and end-user attacks at an all time high, EMEA customers are investing heavily in security applications. Mimecast, grew 141% among our EMEA customer in the past year, making it the most popular security app in Okta’s EMEA network today.