Bitglass introduces CASB Zero-Day Core

Bitglass has introduced its Zero-day Core technologies as part of the Bitglass Next-Gen Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) platform. These breakthrough technologies aim to block data leakage paths that are exploited for the first time and identify previously unknown threats.

  • Wednesday, 15th November 2017 Posted 7 years ago in by Phil Alsop

The Zero-day Core platform delivers:
  • Zero-day Unmanaged App Control – Patent-pending machine-learning detection and control of zero-day data leakage paths in any unmanaged application.
  • Zero-day Malware Protection – AI-based known and zero-day malware protection for cloud applications, powered by Cylance.
  • Zero-day Managed App Control – Data protection, threat protection, identity and visibility for any SaaS, custom, or packaged software application within seconds of configuration. No catalog, signatures, or changes to application required.
  • Zero-day Agentless Proxy with AJAX-VM – Real-time agentless reverse proxy for any application on any device, ensuring robustness for client-side code changes.
“Data breach threats in the cloud change every minute. Existing apps are updated, new apps become available, and hackers develop new threat vectors constantly,” said Jon Russell, CIO of John Muir Health. “The only way to solve this problem is to develop a CASB platform that dynamically adapts to new threats, which Bitglass has done with Zero-day Core.”

“First-gen CASBs depend upon signatures developed by human analysts. They cannot keep up with polymorphic zero-day threat vectors and constant changes to applications that lead to zero-day leakage paths,” said Anoop Bhattacharjya, Bitglass Chief Scientist. “Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning based technologies in our Zero-day Core automatically learn dynamic data leakage paths and unknown threats.”