Ekinops enters the 10G access market

EKINOPS announces its first major 10Gb/s access win in Europe with a seven-figure contract.

  • Friday, 29th May 2020 Posted 4 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Ekinops recently released 10G-capable Ethernet Access Devices (EAD) and routers for the Enterprise Edge connectivity market with the ambition of entering this high-end segment.  After undergoing the validation process necessary to gain acceptance from service providers the products collected favourable feedback, which resulted in this major win in the first half of this year.

The project, delivered by a European Tier 1 service provider, relies on Ekinops 10G routers to build an entire communication infrastructure for a major national security agency. The Ekinops solutions, installed in various data centers across the country, will manage keys and security policies according to high availability mechanisms while offering protection against attacks.

This project demonstrates that our solutions can successfully answer the demanding challenges of major national government agencies,” said Philippe Moulin, Chief Operating Officer of Access Products and Services at Ekinops. “The key here is our capacity to deliver a high-throughput, completely integrated multi-function access solution. We are proud to have gained the level of trust required by the service provider and the end-user for this very high-profile project.”

In combination with Ekinops 10G routers and VPN gateways, Ekinops will supply its customer with a selection of existing solutions designed for small and medium size enterprise branches, all running on the same middleware, OneOS6. Ekinops’ portfolio of software products, running on OneOS6, combines routing, firewall, high-end VPN functionalities, SD-WAN, SBC, WAN Optimization, together with other VNFs, that can be enabled when needed. This comprehensive offering enables customers to replace managing multiple vendors’ operating systems with a single harmonized management solution, realizing cost-savings and simplifying management of resources.

“The 10Gb/s access market is a segment with few actors and a high price tag. We have identified this segment as an opportunity for Ekinops to gain market share with Tier 1 service providers as it requires transport and access know-how. Our offering is differentiated with a high performance-over-price ratio which explains why our new 10G routers and Ethernet Access Devices (EAD) are already a success with significant volumes shipped,” added Didier Brédy, CEO, Ekinops.