Aruba becomes European node of Gaia-X

Supporting companies in complying with federated cloud services.

  • Thursday, 16th March 2023 Posted 1 year ago in by Phil Alsop

A further milestone in the process towards the ‘European cloud’: Aruba becomes Day-1 member and helps develop cloud infrastructure for secure data sharing 15th March 2023 – Aruba S.p.A, Italy’s leading provider of data centre, web hosting, email, PEC and domain registration services, today announces its entry into the Gaia-X Digital Clearing House, the network of executive “nodes” that assesses the compliance of companies wishing to become compliant with Gaia-X standards. Aruba will be one of the two European "nodes" of Gaia-X together with the German multinational T-Systems.

Gaia-X was founded with the intention of creating an interoperable and secure cloud, based on compliance with European standards in order to have a free and transparent circulation of data, to avoid the risk of lock-in for companies and at the same time to foster the widest participation and competition among cloud solution providers, with a certification system at compliance level that guarantees the exercise of rights and data protection. It is a project open to all countries that wish to contribute to its growth and join as members: as a goal, it aims to provide European companies with a cloud that has security standards guaranteed by the European institutional system.

The agreement has become official during the Market-X Conference & Expo in Wien, a networking event organised by Gaia-X to raise the awareness of the association's standards and ensure the integration of the Gaia-X community into an ecosystem. Aruba is a "Day-1 member" of Gaia-X and will play a pivotal role in the development of a secure infrastructure for the sharing and accessing of data between organisations, laying the foundations for a cloud offering based on core European values.

The Gaia-X Digital Clearing House constitutes the necessary building blocks to make Gaia-X operational in the market. It will become an external structure composed of geographically distributed and decentralised nodes that can support companies interested in benefitting from Gaia-X’s federated digital ecosystem by helping them achieve compliance with its standards.

“Becoming one of Gaia-X’s nodes is an essential milestone; the next step in the process that will enable us to deliver compliance component services. We will operate as a distributed and decentralised node, not directly managed by the association, helping anyone who wants to achieve compliance with the Gaia-X standards. Meanwhile our customers will be able to directly access Gaia-X as participants through Aruba’s GXDCH node.”– commented Fabrizio Garrone, Enterprise Solution Director of Aruba.